Cook….Eat….Repeat – Aussie Style

A haphazard collection of my favorite recipes for everyone to enjoy (*recipes may not have been created by me nor do I claim any of them as mine.)

Easy Peasy Curried Sausages

on 6 January, 2019


A long time family favorite this meal is perfect when you just can’t be bothered cooking or you have other things to get done.  It’s easy, and usually all ingredients are on hand.  The balance between sausages and veggies often varies in our meal depending which we have more of.


6-8 long thin beef sausages.
2-4 cups mixed diced veggies
2  “dutch curry and rice” soup pkts (the ones that make a family pot of soup).
water (enough to almost cover the rest of the ingredients – better to add less and increase it if you need to)

basmati rice to accompany the meal.


Boil the sausages in a large pot of water for at least 20 mins to get all the fat out of the sausages and cook them.

Drain the water, and cut the sausages up into chunks, return them to pot and add the diced vegetables, the two packets of soup mix and enough water to almost cover everything

Cook for about 20 mins, stirring regularly.  The soup should thicken up and make a nice sauce.  Add more water if you need to.

Serve with rice.

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